I have an employee that works for me that must secretly be rich. That's the only way I can wrap my head around her frivolous spending habits. This employee, let's call her Jen, is 24 years old and works 9-13.5 hours per week. She is making a little more than minimum wage, and she walks to work everyday as she does not own a vehicle. She shows up to work every morning with a coffee and a pastry from Starbucks. On her breaks she goes to Trader Joe's and always returns with a grocery bag full of goodies. Let's say that Jen is making $10 an hour. That's $45 per day worked, as I only schedule 4.5 hour shifts, less taxes. That's $39.15 per day or $8.70 an hour, take home pay. Source: Paycheckcity.com Let's say that her coffee and pastry costs her $5 per day and that her Trader Joe's bag of treats costs her $8. (at least! I'm being conservative as I have seen the things she buys) That's $13 per day on food! That $39.15 per day that she is brining home just dropped to $26.15. I have no words for this.
No wait, I have a few more words. No I'm done, as I could easily go on forever about how much money that is per month and per year and how she could easily afford a decent little car with that extra money, but I won't.
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