Sunday, July 6, 2014

Keep dancing

In life a lot of people give up too quickly. It's not their fault, let's blame the media. That seems to be the most popular scapegoat for people's own personal short comings these days. There is a popular quote that I am too lazy to look up, but I think it went something this," if at first you don't succeed try, try again" a lot of people in society today give up too easily. They don't want to put in the work, but they want the sweet rewards that come along with other people's hard work. In some Native American cultures they use to dance to bring the rain. You may think this is silly, but it always worked. And do you know why it always worked? Because the Native Americans wouldn't stop dancing until it rained. That is some good food for thought right there. How long have you been dancing? Maybe you should put that song on repeat and keep working at whatever it is that you're working at. Don't give up if at first you don't succeed, just keep dancing.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Top 10 reasons to hire old people

Old people can get the job done just as well as these young bucks, and sometimes even better. This is my Top 10 list for why you should have more old people working for you.

1. They are reliable. 
How many times has your grandma flaked on a lunch date with you? Older people are pretty set in their ways and are good with routines. They do what they say they are going to do and and you can always count on them to be early. Which leads me to reason number two. 
2. They are always on time.

Older people's lives typically just aren't as hectic as younger peoples lives. Most of them are already retired and just want something to get them out of the house for a few hours each day. Bernie probably won't be calling in "sick" on saturday morning because she was out partying Friday night. 

3. They have a lot more life experience.

When an old person gives you advice or makes a suggestion you usually listen. They have seen a lot more than younger people and they love talking about how much they know. Use that to your benefit. The power of persuasion, no the power of that cute old man in the suspenders up selling to that family that thinks he's cute and reminds them of grandpa.  

4. They don't complain.

Older people are pretty easy going. They have been through enough in life to know that it's not worth it to sweat the petty stuff. They've dealt with sick children and dying parents. They aren't going to be upset when you aren't making sales and you have to temporarily cut back hours for a few weeks. 

5. They are flexible with their schedules.

Bowling leagues and book clubs typically only meet once a week and that's easy to work around. Older people have already showered and had breakfast before most of us have even woken up. 9 out of 10 times when you call them to cover a shift they can be there within the hour. Give them their thursday off for bowling and you'll be surprised what they will do for you. 

6. They are fun to work with.
Your younger employees will love the life experience that the older employees bring to the job. Older people have great stories and great advice for anyone that is willing to listen. They can probably even teach you a thing or two about doing your job better. 

7. Customers love them.

Everyone has an older person in their life. Whether it's a grandpa, aunt, professor or just a neighbor, nobody can say no to an older person. People will come back to your business just to talk to an older employee. 

8. They have better work ethics.

Things have only gotten easier over the years. Technology is crippling todays youth and creating a bunch of worthless blobs. Older people have lived through a lot more than today's youth and it has shaped them into hard working individuals with great work ethics. 

9. They actually want to work.

Older people apply because they actually want to work. They don't want to sit at home and develop Alzheimer's while they stare at a wall, they want to interact with people and work for a good company.

10. They are genuine.
Older people are not typically concerned with drama or gossip. They want to go to work and make a difference. They want to feel accomplished, that's why they go to work. And customers love being helped by older people. they know that they can trust them to be honest with them and not overbearing like some younger employees can be.

You must be rich....

I have an employee that works for me that must secretly be rich. That's the only way I can wrap my head around her frivolous spending habits. This employee, let's call her Jen, is 24 years old and works 9-13.5  hours per week. She is making a little more than minimum wage, and she walks to work everyday as she does not own a vehicle. She shows up to work every morning with a coffee and a pastry from Starbucks. On her breaks she goes to Trader Joe's and always returns with a grocery bag full of goodies. Let's say that Jen is making $10 an hour. That's $45 per day worked, as I only schedule 4.5 hour shifts, less taxes. That's $39.15 per day or $8.70 an hour, take home pay. Source: Let's say that her coffee and pastry costs her $5 per day and that her Trader Joe's bag of treats costs her $8. (at least! I'm being conservative as I have seen the things she buys) That's $13 per day on food! That $39.15 per day that she is brining home just dropped to $26.15. I have no words for this.

No wait, I have a few more words. No I'm done, as I could easily go on forever about how much money that is per month and per year and how she could easily afford a decent little car with that extra money, but I won't.

An introduction....

What can I say? I was made for this? I've been working in retail since I was 18 years old. Six months into working for an office supply store I was already in middle management making what some people's parents pay their bills with. I've always been a talker. I'm not a salesmen. 
I work for companies that I shop at and that I believe in. I would never work for a company just for the money. Some of my friends went to college and got their degrees in Phycology or Business and I can respect that. If you go to school to further your education, cool. But if you went to college because you thought it was your ticket to the front of the employment line, you were wrong. I know this first hand. There are only a handful of degrees that will "guarantee" you a job when you are finished with college. I am using the word guarantee loosely here, but you know what I'm saying. I know people with bachelors degrees that work as receptionists at medical offices making as much as a fast food workers make. I guess what I'm saying is that it's not the degree that gets you somewhere in life, it's your drive. If you're a driven person you will do well in life with or without college. I hire people with bachelors degrees all the time. I pay them $9 to $10 an hour to cashier for me. This notion that college degree = cool, exciting and fulfilling job is a load of crap. People watch to many Disney channel movies growing up. The odds are against you unless you have the drive to do something great yourself. Everybody can't have a corner office and go on hour long lunch breaks to cool trendy restaurants everyday. Not with that college debt you can't. Not for a few years at least. You better get use to packing your lunch. The job market is harsh to say the least.